
Install VMware Tools on Kali Linux

Open /etc/apt/sources.list with an editor

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Append the following sources to the end of the file. Save the file.

deb kali main non-free contrib
deb-src kali main non-free contrib

Update the package lists to include the newly added sources.

apt-get update

Install the open-vm-tools package.

apt-get install open-vm-tools

All relevant dependencies will be satisfied and the relevant packages installed. Done.


Centos 6 Bonjour Hostname Install

With all the virtual machines I run on my local network, remembering host IP’s off the top of my head becomes pretty unmanageable. Installing the avahi package for CentOS servers provides a nice way for automatic hostname detecting in app’s supporting Bonjour discovery (like iNet for OS X).

yum install avahi

List all versions of package in YUM repository

I often find myself chasing after a specific version of an RPM package (Xen comes to mind), and there is a handy command option that list all versions of a package for a given repo.

Issuing this will list all available versions of package available.

yum list package-name

Installing VMware Tools in VMware Fusion with CentOS Minimal (No GUI)

This guide assumes you already have successfully installed a CentOS virtual machine within VMware Fusion.

Launch your desired Virtual Machine and from the menu bar within VMware Fusion, select

Install VMware Tools

. This will load an iso and simulate a cd-rom has been inserted.

VMware Tools requires Perl as a dependancy, we need to resolve it before we can begin with the installation.

yum install perl

We need to mount the cd-rom within the guest virtual machine before we are able to access its content. We do this by
Creating a new folder to mount the cd-rom in.

mkdir /mnt/cdrom

Then we mount the cd-rom into the folder we just created. The fact that it is read-only is fine.

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

Now we need to access the disk and extract the tools somewhere.

cp /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-XXX.tar.gz /tmp

Change our working directory to tmp (shorter commands make life a little easier).

cd /tmp

The extracted files are compressed, we need to uncompress them.

gunzip VMWare-Tools-XXX.tar.gz
tar xvf VMWare-Tools-XXX.tar

Change working directory again into the newly decompressed folder.

cd vmware-tools-distrib

Finally, lets begin the VMware Tools installation.. just follow the onscreen instructions (I usually just leave everything as default).


See, easy peasy!


Visudo Command not found – CentOS

Unless you have the package ‘sudo’ installed on your system, any attempts of issuing the ‘visudo’ command will fail. Classic school boy error, but one easily made.

The remedy..

yum install sudo