
Install VMware Tools on Kali Linux

Open /etc/apt/sources.list with an editor

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Append the following sources to the end of the file. Save the file.

deb kali main non-free contrib
deb-src kali main non-free contrib

Update the package lists to include the newly added sources.

apt-get update

Install the open-vm-tools package.

apt-get install open-vm-tools

All relevant dependencies will be satisfied and the relevant packages installed. Done.


Burn Xbox 360 XGD3 games in OS X, Finally!

I have been using my Hackintosh Pro now for over 3 years and in general I am very happy with it. However, up until now I still had to dual boot into Windows whenever I wanted to burn an Xbox 360 game backup.

Today I can finally get rid of my Windows partition as I found a great tutorial with excellent step by steps to successfully burn an XGD3 game within OS X using a nifty little app called isoBurn from the AppStore.


Centos 6 Bonjour Hostname Install

With all the virtual machines I run on my local network, remembering host IP’s off the top of my head becomes pretty unmanageable. Installing the avahi package for CentOS servers provides a nice way for automatic hostname detecting in app’s supporting Bonjour discovery (like iNet for OS X).

yum install avahi

Restart OS X VNC server via SSH

Kinda handy command to have incase your VNC connection drops and you’re unable to reconnect. SSH into the host and issue the following command.

sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -restart -agent

More VNC related OS X commands can be found on Apple Support


List all versions of package in YUM repository

I often find myself chasing after a specific version of an RPM package (Xen comes to mind), and there is a handy command option that list all versions of a package for a given repo.

Issuing this will list all available versions of package available.

yum list package-name