
Installing VMware Tools in VMware Fusion with CentOS Minimal (No GUI)

This guide assumes you already have successfully installed a CentOS virtual machine within VMware Fusion.

Launch your desired Virtual Machine and from the menu bar within VMware Fusion, select

Install VMware Tools

. This will load an iso and simulate a cd-rom has been inserted.

VMware Tools requires Perl as a dependancy, we need to resolve it before we can begin with the installation.

yum install perl

We need to mount the cd-rom within the guest virtual machine before we are able to access its content. We do this by
Creating a new folder to mount the cd-rom in.

mkdir /mnt/cdrom

Then we mount the cd-rom into the folder we just created. The fact that it is read-only is fine.

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

Now we need to access the disk and extract the tools somewhere.

cp /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-XXX.tar.gz /tmp

Change our working directory to tmp (shorter commands make life a little easier).

cd /tmp

The extracted files are compressed, we need to uncompress them.

gunzip VMWare-Tools-XXX.tar.gz
tar xvf VMWare-Tools-XXX.tar

Change working directory again into the newly decompressed folder.

cd vmware-tools-distrib

Finally, lets begin the VMware Tools installation.. just follow the onscreen instructions (I usually just leave everything as default).


See, easy peasy!

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