This my improved version of a Ford Mk1 Escort RHD Wiring Diagram that I decided to colour to improve readability.
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This my improved version of a Ford Mk1 Escort RHD Wiring Diagram that I decided to colour to improve readability.
Save this image to your computer to view in full resolution.
How my cheapo Logitech speakers are setup on my desk in relation to my Hackintosh computer means the right speaker is actually on the left side of my side and the left is on the right. This is due to the 3.5mm input cable built into the right speaker not being long enough to reach the computer when positioned on the right side.
Luckily within macOS, Apple make it super easy to switch output channels, so left is right and right is left.
From Finder open the Audio MIDI Setup app which can be found in
Applications -> Utilities -> Audio MIDI