I recently found some old photos of my Mk1 Escort from 2008, bit of a blast from the past considering how much it has changed over the years.

On the way back home from showing the car to Dale over at Bailey Performance Ltd, the Mk1 suddenly stopped producing boost and lost majority of its power. It was still driving smoothly and sounded okay however I could hear the turbo wasn’t spooling up. Only being a short distance from home I trundled on at a slow speed and avoided putting the engine under any great load.
After a quick inspection as to what was wrong with the engine I removed this from the turbo.
The connecting rod on the waste-gate actuator had snapped, meaning that the waste-gate was uncontrollable and was permanently open. For those who are unfamiliar with how turbo setups work, the waste-gate prevents the turbo from spinning too fast and causing engine damage by diverting exhaust gases away when a predetermined level of pressure is attained. Without sufficient gas flow the turbo is unable to spool up. The waste-gate is only meant to momentarily open to reduce turbo spin, however in my situation today the permanently open waste-gate resulted in no boost being produced at all.
Next on the to-do list.. reattach and re-weld the connecting rod to the actuator.
Open /etc/apt/sources.list with an editor
vi /etc/apt/sources.list
Append the following sources to the end of the file. Save the file.
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contrib deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contrib
Update the package lists to include the newly added sources.
apt-get update
Install the open-vm-tools package.
apt-get install open-vm-tools
All relevant dependencies will be satisfied and the relevant packages installed. Done.
I have been using my Hackintosh Pro now for over 3 years and in general I am very happy with it. However, up until now I still had to dual boot into Windows whenever I wanted to burn an Xbox 360 game backup.
Today I can finally get rid of my Windows partition as I found a great tutorial with excellent step by steps to successfully burn an XGD3 game within OS X using a nifty little app called ‘isoBurn‘ from the AppStore.
With all the virtual machines I run on my local network, remembering host IP’s off the top of my head becomes pretty unmanageable. Installing the avahi package for CentOS servers provides a nice way for automatic hostname detecting in app’s supporting Bonjour discovery (like iNet for OS X).
yum install avahi